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2016-11-23 21:31:33 发表 |

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When it comes to Pope Francis, is it time to turn the corner?
By Dr. Jeff Mirus (bio - articles - email) | Nov 22, 2016
CatholicCulture.org has tried to be both accurate and forthright in reporting and commenting on the words and actions of Pope Francis. We have tried to treat Francis as sons; to give Francis the benefit of every doubt; to recognize the complexity of the issues he addresses; to acknowledge the possibility of differences among Catholics of good will; and to interpret his remarks, ideas and initiatives in the best possible light. But we have also been forced to admit the Pope’s shortcomings, and in particular the confusion he causes when the faithful compare what the Church has always asked of them with what Pope Francis asks of them.
This has been a source of pain for many deeply-committed and well-informed Catholics. Moreover, the entire problem has been exacerbated by Pope Francis’ unfortunate tendency to dismiss his critics—or even merely those who ask for clarifications—as “rigid”, “nasty”, and suffering from “psychological problems”.
I do not intend to recap all of the unfortunate controversies. Suffice it to say here that it is not “proselytism” to want to bring non-Catholic Christians into the Church so that they can enjoy the full range of God’s gifts for our salvation; and it is not “rigid” or “legalistic” to affirm, as we say to God in the Act of Faith, that we believe “all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches, because you have revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.”
Contrary to what Pope Francis often implies, Catholic teaching on faith and morals is not a matter of “laws” or “rules” but of the conformity of the mind with reality, which is the definition of truth. When Pope Francis calls names, therefore, we can barely restrain ourselves from deploying the famous defensive strategy most of us used as children. I mean the little poem that begins “I’m rubber and you’re glue.”
Unfortunately, at a certain point, our serious concern about Pope Francis can become a preoccupation—an unhealthy preoccupation. We can become so tied in knots that we feel as if we cannot get on with our lives, and especially with what God calls us personally to do, until the “Francis problem” is settled. But such a preoccupation serves no good purpose. In fact, it is a dreadful temptation. Satan desires nothing more than for us to become so engrossed by what we frequently perceive as the Pope’s recklessness that we forget our own vocations, our own Catholic mission, our own apostolates.
The danger of Catholic paralysis
Worrying about the daily confusion and sorrow Pope Francis introduces into our lives can impede us from working on our first priority—which is living our Catholic life in Christ as fully as we possibly can. With only exceedingly rare exceptions, we are in no position to offer correction to the Holy Father. Therefore, it will do us little good to engage in endless arguments over what is wrong, whose fault it is, and how the problems posed by the current papacy might be resolved. And not only will this do us no good, but it can be a significant source of scandal to others, most of whom will have little or no awareness of the issues at stake.
I’d like to suggest that it is time to turn the corner on Pope Francis. Most of us have no cards to play in the game of improving the papacy. But we do have our own callings, our own God-given talents, our own opportunities to engage in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, to teach the truth and to foster the good. When we can use something Pope Francis has said or done in our own Catholic service, then we should—all the better! But when we cannot take our inspiration from Pope Francis, we can still reference Our Lord and the Church He founded. We do not need to come up against Francis and grind to a halt. That’s what I mean about turning the corner.
CatholicCulture.org will neither stop reporting the news nor cease to analyze key issues. But going forward, I strongly suspect we must all focus more on the good to be done than on the obstacles that make it more difficult to do. Insofar as Pope Francis preoccupies us, he has become a distraction. Therefore, we must refocus our own energies. We will find that we can do this without any danger of disobedience, since neither evil nor falsehood will ever be imposed on us by the Magisterium—and very few of us take our assignments directly from the Pope. If we are prudent, all of us can get on with our particular Catholic missions, however God calls us to serve, with no need to cast aspersions on anyone.
I admit that there is no way to hide from these problems, and we should want to keep informed. The point here is that we should be able to take them in stride without losing our serenity. There is far, far more to the life of the Church than can be hindered or helped by any one person, even if that person is the Pope. There are so many ways we can serve Christ, so many ways we can witness to His goodness and love, so many possibilities to which the only obstacles are in our own hearts. We need to pray; we need to discern God’s will; and we need to act.
Our Lord warned that no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God (Lk 9:62), yet It seems to me that a paralytic preoccupation with Pope Francis is a kind of looking back. I believe this is something we must consider with the greatest possible care. In the battle between good and evil, when our own preoccupations prevent us from moving forward, then we really are looking back. And when this happens, it is not Christ who wins. |
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2016-11-23 00:08:22 发表 |
教宗表示,对耶稣而言“仇人就是我当爱的人”,因为“在天主的心中没有仇人,只有子女”。“我们竪立围墙,建起屏障,将人分门别类。天主则视人为子女,祂不会甩掉他们。天主爱人,诚信待人,因为祂的爱发自肺腑,是母亲和父亲般的爱;天主绝不抛弃我们,即使我们有过错。” |
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2016-11-21 08:55:45 发表 |
到底谁是病毒? |
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2016-11-21 08:52:57 发表 |
Raymond Burke波克枢机,和荣休科隆总主教Meisner枢机,宗座历史委员会前主席Walter Brandmuller枢机,前意大利博洛尼亚大主教Carlo Caffarra枢机四人于11月14日公开在向教宗方济各的劝谕《爱的喜乐》提出一些质疑,并联名请教宗澄清解释。
他们公开了在9月间上书给教宗的信函, 内容是对于去年主教家庭会议后教宗颁布劝谕《爱的喜乐》《Amoris Laetitia》。
第八章和其注解部分有混摇不清与天主教教理及道德律相互违背的地方,四个枢机在信中提出5个问题;重点大致是离婚后又再婚,教会是不是给予告解后而会让这2 个同居 而之前婚姻并没有赦免的教友,允许领受圣体圣事? 如果这样,那么圣教宗若望保禄的的指示还有没有效?( 若望保禄二世的通谕中清楚的指出,離婚後再婚后,之前婚姻沒有赦免無效的人,如果要領聖体圣事,就需要和再婚的伴侣过着兄妹一样没有婚姻实质关系的生活。 《爱的喜乐》劝谕认为对于这样的通奸的行为还是客观的重大罪恶吗? 教宗若望保禄二世根据教会的圣传圣言对良心的教导是不是还有效。
但是对于4个枢机的问题他仍然没有正面回答。同时这个消息已经广泛的在普世教会被报道和讨论,教会传统保守的神职教友们大都站在波克枢机这一边,切望教宗能够正视这个事件。波克枢机也表示如果教宗一直不愿澄清, 必要时他只能公开指正家庭通谕错误之处。
但愿我们坏蛋属于极少数! |
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2016-11-21 08:46:38 发表 |
这些新枢机不会是非黑即白的严厉法律主义者吧!应该是跟方大大一样,模棱两可模糊不清的红衣主教! |
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2016-11-21 01:39:47 发表 |
赞美教宗方济各,天主保佑新枢机! |
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2016-11-20 19:36:17 发表 |
“抵拒敌意”??请不要判断人。 |
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2016-11-20 07:55:41 发表 |
方济各开始增添人马了,到时候投票方济各就会胜利了。好一个政治家本色。天主可怜它吧! |