本站网友 还有 |
2010-10-22 21:23:48 发表 |
那里都有天主,这句话很对。可是基督的在世代表却是住在梵蒂冈,谁与梵蒂冈断绝关系,谁就不是天主,这你是知道的, |
本站网友 Daniel |
2010-08-16 07:02:48 发表 |
Chinese communist regime does not allow Cardinal Chen enter mainland China. No other country would involve in who is allowed to become a priest or bishop. Why would a communist official who doesn't believe in God has the authority to decide who can serve our Lord Jesus Christ. I know it is not easy to be a servant of Christ in China and everyone of us Christians has the highest respect for those God's servant who gave their lives by dying in a communist prison. They are saints just like the early church martyrs who died because of the persecution by Roman emperors. It is not easy to be witness of Christ but in the end communism will fail just like the Roman Empire. May our Blessed Mother Mary and all the saints help our priests and bishops in China to have the courage to give their lives for the sake of Christ. |
本站网友 匿名 |
2010-05-26 13:00:20 发表 |
大罪人蔡 |
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2010-05-23 23:37:46 发表 |
有一句说一句。叶小文时已经过去了,那个人是湖南的保守派,说话根本不顾宗教的和谐。完全老毛的那一套。现在他拜拜了。新的还是相比较而言比较温和的。哪里没有天主啊? |
本站网友 匿名 |
2010-05-22 21:19:39 发表 |