在往后的日子里,总主教摇身一变成为人权保卫者,四出探访贫弱,谴责右翼军政府侵犯人权。其也在每星期日的弥撒讲道中,列出该星期被失踪、虐待、谋杀者的案件。他甚至去信时任美国总统卡特,批评美国政府资助军政府。总主教因此获誉为无声者之声(voice of the voiceless)。
一九八零年三月二十三日,总主教在一台弥撒中大声疾呼:“任何士兵也不应遵守违反天主戒律之命令。任何人也不应遵守不道德之法律。现在是时候了,你们当寻回自己的良知并服从之,而非服从罪恶之命令。教会……不能在此等恶行前保持沉默。……我因主之名请求你们、恳求你们、命令你们:停止迫害。”(“No soldier is obliged to obey an order contrary to the law of God. No one has to obey an immoral law. It is high time you recovered your consciences and obeyed your consciences rather than a sinful order. The church… cannot remain silent before such an abomination… I implore you, I beg you, I order you in the name of God: stop the repression.”)第二天傍晚,当总主教主持另一台弥撒时,一颗子弹贯穿其胸膛。
教宗方济各前年接掌教会,随即定调,认为教会应该是“为贫苦而立的神贫教会”(“a poor Church for the poor”)。其把焦点转移到在贫苦大众及世界的不公结构之上,斥责当今放任市场资本主义之祸患,并强调社会公义。今年二月三日,教宗一锤定音,确认罗总主教为殉道者。教会传统教理指出,只有被“对信仰之仇恨”(“in hatred of the faith”)所杀者,方可以成为殉道者。确认总主教为殉道者,就是确认其不是死于纯粹的政治斗争,而是为信仰而死。一直推动罗总主教列品案的教廷官员Vincenzo Paglia总主教二月四日向传媒表示:“他(罗总主教)在祭坛上被杀害。杀害他乃是要冲击梵蒂冈第二次大公会议(梵二)传流下来的教会。”(“He was killed at the altar. Killing him was intended to strike at the Church that flowed from Vatican Council II.”)值得留意的是,Paglia总主教特别提到梵二。梵二大公会议乃现代教会改革之开端,会议的《论教会在现代世界》牧职宪章,确认教会应该关注现世的种种议题,与世人休戚与共。Paglia总主教又指出:“罗梅洛渐渐明白要做众人的牧者,就要先牧养贫穷人。把贫苦大众置于教会——即所有基督徒,包括富人——之中心,乃新的牧民路向。”(“Romero understood increasingly clearly that being a pastor to all meant starting with the poor. Placing the poor at the centre of the pastoral concerns of the Church and therefore of all Christians, including the rich, was the new pastoral way.”)