Catholic people of underground church in China are fighting for you, dear pope! Do not turn them away, and just listens and pays attention to them. They will give you back a wanderful church in China.
Catholic people of underground church in China are fighting for you, dear pope! Do not turn them away, and just listens and pays attention to them. They will give you back a wanderful church in China.
Catholic people of underground church in China are fighting for you, dear pope! Do not turn them away, and just listens and pays attention to them. They will give you back a wanderful church in China.
Catholic people of underground church in China are fighting for you, dear pope! Do not turn them away, and just listens and pays attention to them. They will give you back a wanderful church in China.
Infallibility of the Church:教会不能错误性:1870年梵蒂冈第一届大公会议宣布,教会于下列三种情形下不能错误:(1)教宗以教会领袖名义,对全球教会宣布有关教义及道德之事项。(2)大公会议对上列事项之决定。(3)与教宗保持共融的全球主教团对上列事项之决定(法典749)。 Infallibility 拉丁文称作Infallibilitas。
Infallibility of the Pope:教宗不能错误性:1870年梵蒂冈第一届大公会议宣布:教宗以全教会领袖名义,根据圣经和圣传,对有关教义(信仰)与道德之事项,以隆重方式 ex cathedra 所作之宣布不能错误(法典749)。至于教宗以个人名义、或对部分教会所作之宣布、以及非正式之宣布,均无「不能错误性」的保障。此「不能错误性」既非不可犯罪性,亦非天主之启示或感发。