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时间:2017-10-20  来源:亚洲新闻社  作者:Louis Raphael Sako* 点击:

巴格达(亚洲新闻)— 需要伊拉克国内各界领袖“通力合作”,“结成统一战线”共同反对爆发“新冲突”的危险,首要目标是“在保护油井之前首先是保全人民”。昨天,伊拉克加色丁礼的类思·拉斐尔·萨科宗主教(mar Louis Raphael Sako)向该国总统福阿德·马苏姆(Fuad Masum)递交了一封公开呼吁信,并将信件全文发给了亚洲新闻。在信中,伊拉克教会的领袖希望“在稳固的政治导向下建设一个文明的、强大的现代化国家”,从而有能力“在经济、社会和文化领域推行改革”。在信中他还重申了已经表达过多次的吁请,希望在巴格达和埃尔比勒之间展开真诚的对话,“把复仇的情绪、怀疑、报复或者火上浇油的言语”都放在一旁。
与此同时,伊拉克军队继夺回对基尔库克(Kirkuk)的控制之后,又夺取了另外一些不久之前掌握在库尔德人武装手里的地盘,主要是在尼尼微省(Ninive)和迪雅拉省(Diyala)。在一份正式声明中,军方确认政府军“已经重新控制了卡纳金(Khanaqin)和贾劳拉(Jalawla)”以及马克穆尔(Makhmur)、巴希卡(Bashiqa)、摩苏尔水坝(Mosul Dam)和辛贾尔(Sinjar)等其他地区。有消息说,伊拉克政府军还威胁库尔德武装“自由战士”(Peshmerga)撤出尼尼微平原,尤其是要他们撤出基督徒的城市特勒斯科夫(Teleskof)和阿戈什(Alqosh)。人们担心在接下来的几小时内就可能爆发新的武装冲突。
These days, our country is going through unprecedented circumstances that are the result of all that happened in Iraq from the north to the south for years and until now. Therefore, this critical phase requires a comprehensive and national collaboration to go beyond this crisis and move forward to the solution of the crisis, the creation of a national and real partnership, and the rise of a new Iraq.
The incidents that took place during the last period was a part of conflicts that led to permanent tension and the collapse of the stability. In every instance, the innocent civilians were the first innocent casualties.
If the unity of Iraq drew the attention of the international community, whether for strategic benefits or for principled stance, this unity is the share of all Iraqi parties, whether in terms of the responsibility of preserving it or in causing it to fail. As the original components in Iraq are concerned in common living, they are calling to bypass this fragile situation by adopting the spirit of citizenship and law, clemency and forgiveness, and not the spirit of revenge, suspicion, reprisal, or loud voices.
In this declaration, we in caution and love are calling the Iraqi Leaderships in the Center and the Region, to move forward to rescue what happened in the last years. For Iraq is the responsibility of us all, and it is in an urgent need now for a real, national reconciliation to ease the political process on the right path.  A courageous, honest, and civilized dialogue should be initiated to discuss all matters on the basis of the constitution; this is a sincere wish of wise people, confirmed by the wise authority.
This national reconciliation can lead to practical and proper ways out of the whole crisis, not the referendum only. The problems occurring in the country are not between strangers from places afar but they are among brethren and citizens living in the same homeland. Therefore, the right solutions cannot be reached without negotiations and reform of thinking. This method shall lead to offering mutual concessions courageously and the cooperation of  Iraq's various leaderships as one front against the danger of creating new conflicts; namely, to protect the people first before the oil wells. The goal is the rise of a modern and strong civil country under a consolidated political command to help develop the governmental establishment and to reform the economic, social, and cultural sectors. All this progress shall be supported by building confidence, developing security measures, securing stability, supporting the reconstruction process, and paving the way for the return of the displaced to the homeland, in the Iraq of coexistence and civilizations.

 * 巴格达加色丁礼宗主教,伊拉克主教团会议主席 

上一篇:我是阿勒颇的基督徒医生,与战争受害者很接近下一篇:俄国十月革命百周年 教会人士谈信仰挑战
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