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教宗与爱尔兰的主教们在梵蒂冈举行会议 发表公告

时间:2010-02-16  来源:网络  作者:佚名 点击:




教宗本笃十六世从昨天15日开始在梵蒂冈与爱尔兰主教团的主教们举行两天会议,讨论这个国家少数神职人员对未成年人滥用权力的问题。爱尔兰的主教们蒙教宗 接见之前,来到梵蒂冈岩洞参加国务卿贝尔托内枢机主持的共祭弥撒。

贝尔托内枢机谈到在爱尔兰的教会所经历的“极艰困的危机”,他并强调这 个教会团体蒙受最严厉的羞辱是来自内部,尤其是这个教会团体的人员涉入的“可憎恶的行径”。贝尔托内枢机又说,从痛苦的考验中也能得以更新,得到忏悔的恩 宠并有更大的信德,前提是“有罪过的人要在完满的真理中承认自己的过错。”同时也要避免魔鬼的阴险诱惑,这种诱惑使人在暴风雨中失去对天主的信赖,灰心丧 志,失去希望。贝尔托内枢机说,暴风雨的确令人害怕,教会这只船因它成员犯下的过错而在暴风雨中摇动。但是危险最大的是触及信友心灵的风暴,这一风暴动摇 他们的信德,危害他们信赖天主的能力。贝尔托内枢机于是说,需要在祈祷中和本着谦卑的态度“完全依靠”天主。与邪恶的争斗没有完结,而会一直继续到世界的 终结。为此,天父因耶稣的名打发圣神来到我们中间,为保护和安慰我们。最后,贝尔托内枢机祝愿爱尔兰的主教们在梵蒂冈举行的会议能在真理中满溢爱德,再次 激发牧人与信友间共融合一的努力。



Irish Bishops Begin Vatican Meetings with Mass

(15 Feb 10 - RV) Early Monday morning the twenty four serving bishops of the Church in Ireland gathered together in the Vatican crypts before the tomb of St Peter.

It was a moment of reflection and prayer ahead of their meetings with the Holy Father and members of the Vatican Curia to discuss the fallout from the recently published reports into child sex abuse by members of the clergy and religious in the last century in Ireland.

The revelations of the Ryan and Murphy reports have rocked the Catholic Church on the island nation to its very core. Particularly the Murphy report into abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese, which underscored the failure of bishops to properly address victims concerns.

In an unprecedented move Pope Benedict called all serving diocesan bishops to the Vatican for two days of discussion.

On Monday Mass was led by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who reflecting on St James Chapter one, urged the bishops to consider their trials, with joy, because while on the one hand they humiliate, on the other they test the faith, producing patience and perseverance.

Cardinal Bertone added that for the Church, these tests “may come from outside or inside. Both are painful, but those that come from within are naturally hard and humiliating”.

He described the trials facing the Catholic community in Ireland as “a serious test” which “sees some churchmen involved in particularly abhorrent acts”.

Cardinal Bertone said “This kind of test strips us of any false security and pushes us to entrust ourselves to God alone”. Because only if we are “true and sincerely humble”, can “the grace of God act and we achieve a true rebirth”.

The Secretary of State warned against the temptation to discouragement and despair touching the hearts of believers, shaking their faith and threatening their ability to trust God. For this reason he concluded the Bishops must accept Gods will with a “good and faithful heart in order to receive the full force of renewal”.


Irish Bishops in Rome to Discuss Sexual Abuse Scandal(爱尔兰主教们在罗马讨论性丑闻)

(15 Feb 10 - RV) The Bishops of Ireland arrived in Rome Sunday for a series of meetings which begin Monday at the Vatican. We have this report...



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爱尔兰主教们承认,这一令人心痛的事件导致了对地方教会领导人的“信任危机”,“损害了教会为福音作的见证和有关道德的训导。”爱尔兰主教们坦率地谈到了性侵犯的受害者心中的痛苦、愤怒、羞辱和看到的坏表样。同时他们也强调,虽然“无可置否”,在目前的危机中也有“判决出现错误和漏洞”的情况,现在建起的 “保障儿童及孩子们安全”的措施意义重大。主教们最后不忘重申他们与爱尔兰民政当局合作的承诺。另据BBC的报道:









VATICAN CITY, FEB. 15, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Today in the Vatican, Benedict XVI began a two-day summit with all of the serving diocesan bishops of Ireland regarding recent revelations about the sexual abuse of minors by clergy.

The Pope's call for all of the bishops to join him in Rome for discussions, which was announced Jan. 20, was an "unprecedented move," Vatican Radio reported.

The Pontiff had already met on Dec. 11 with Cardinal Sean Brady, archbishop of Armagh and president of the Irish episcopal conference, and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin. They discussed the Murphy Commission Report, which details abuse cases in the Dublin Archdiocese from 1975 to 2004.

That report was published last November and it followed another, the Ryan report, which was released last May and detailed widespread child abuse in Catholic schools throughout the country.

Vatican Radio noted that these reports "have rocked the Catholic Church on the island nation to its very core," particularly the second document with its emphasis on the failure of the prelates to adequately respond to abuse allegations.

Restoring confidence

In a press conference Sunday, Bishop Joseph Duffy of Clogher stated that the summit aimed to strategize about how to help "give assurance to families and restore confidence and serenity with the clergy and the faithful" in Ireland.

He noted that each prelate would have to give an account to Benedict XVI for his actions or omissions in the line of duty.

"Questions of resignation" are not on the agenda, Bishop Duffy stated, "because that is not our prerogative."

Rather, he added, the prelates will discuss how best to deal with the "enormous injustice and cruelty" of the abuses reported.

This morning, the 24 Irish bishops began the summit with Mass, presided over by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Pope's secretary of state, in the Vatican crypt near the tomb of St. Peter.

The prelates prayed for the abuse victims, the Church and the entire people of Ireland, and the success of the summit, the bishops' conference reported.

The cardinal the Catholic community can be shaken by the "storms" that arouse fear due to the "sins of its members."

"However," he added, "from this can come the grace of conversion and greater faith," L'Osservatore Romano reported.

The cardinal underlined the purpose of the summit, that the whole of Ireland's episcopate had come together "to hear the Successor of Peter and present to him their initiatives in regard to the very difficult crisis the country's Church is undergoing."

He expressed the hope for "humility and trust" on the part of all: bishops, priests and people of God. "Trial on one hand humiliates," he said, but "on the other hand produces patience and a deepening of faith."

He affirmed that these trials can come from both outside or inside the Church. "Both are painful," the cardinal acknowledged, "but those that come from within are naturally hard and humiliating."

Abhorrent acts

The trials currently facing the Catholic community in Ireland are "a serious test," Cardinal Bertone said, which "sees some churchmen involved in particularly abhorrent acts."

"This kind of test strips us of any false security and pushes us to entrust ourselves to God alone," he continued, because only if we are "true and sincerely humble" can "the grace of God act and we achieve a true rebirth."

The Paraclete "comes to defend us from the 'accuser,' the Evil One, that he has defeated," the cardinal said.

However, he added, since "the struggle against evil is not finished" and "continues until the end of times," the Father has sent us the Holy Spirit, to "fill the most profound abyss."

The condition of this, Cardinal Bertone noted, is that "the sinner recognize his own fault in full truth: caritas in veritate."

He warned the prelates against the temptation that "tends to make one lose trust in God, driving one to discouragement and despair."

The cardinal urged the bishops to accept God's will with a "good and faithful heart in order to receive the full force of renewal."

Cardinal Brady echoed these hopes, asking the faithful to pray for "healing, reconciliation and renewal," a bishops' conference communiqué affirmed.

The cardinal also prayed for the Holy Spirit's guidance on the Church in his country at this time.

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, said that the Pontiff plans to discuss with the bishops a pastoral letter regarding the abuse scandals, AP reported.

After the December meeting, a Vatican communiqué announced the Holy Father's intention of writing a pastoral letter to the Irish, "in which he will clearly indicate the initiatives that are to be taken in response to the situation."








Affrontare con coraggio e onestà la situazione dolorosa degli abusi sessuali su minori da parte di religiosi e sacerdoti: è l’esortazione di Benedetto XVI ai vescovi irlandesi riuniti, ieri e oggi in Vaticano, per affrontare la dolorosa vicenda. Al termine della riunione, la Sala Stampa della Santa Sede ha pubblicato un comunicato in cui viene ribadito l’impegno dei presuli a collaborare con le istituzioni. Viene inoltre annunciato che, nel periodo quaresimale, verrà pubblicata una Lettera pastorale del Papa ai cattolici irlandesi. Il servizio di Alessandro Gisotti:

Benedetto XVI ha sottolineato ai vescovi irlandesi che gli abusi sessuali sui minori non sono solo un “crimine abominevole” ma anche un “grave peccato che offende Dio e ferisce la dignità della persona umana creata a Sua immagine”. Riconoscendo che la “dolorosa situazione attuale non sarà risolta velocemente”, il Papa ha spronato i vescovi “a confrontarsi con i problemi del passato con determinazione e risolutezza e ad affrontare la crisi presente con onestà e coraggio”. Il Pontefice, si legge nel comunicato, ha quindi espresso la speranza che l’incontro tenuto in Vaticano aiuterà ad “unire i vescovi e a renderli in grado di parlare ad una sola voce” per identificare “passi concreti volti a portare sollievo a quanti sono stati abusati, a incoraggiare un rinnovamento della fede in Cristo e un ristabilimento della credibilità morale e spirituale della Chiesa”.

Il Santo Padre, prosegue il comunicato, ha anche menzionato la “più generale crisi di fede” che affligge la Chiesa ed ha collegato ciò “alla mancanza del rispetto della persona umana”. L’indebolimento della fede, ha riflettuto il Papa, “è stato un fattore che ha contribuito in modo significativo al fenomeno degli abusi sessuali sui minori”. Ha così sottolineato la necessità di una “approfondita riflessione teologica” su tutta la vicenda ed ha auspicato una migliore preparazione pastorale, spirituale ed umana dei candidati al sacerdozio e alla vita religiosa. I vescovi hanno avuto la possibilità di esaminare la bozza di una Lettera pastorale di Benedetto XVI rivolta ai cattolici irlandesi. Documento che, prendendo in considerazione i commenti dei presuli, verrà pubblicato nell’imminente periodo quaresimale.

Dal canto loro, i vescovi irlandesi hanno ammesso che la dolorosa vicenda ha portato ad una “crisi di fiducia” nei vertici della Chiesa locale e “ha danneggiato la sua testimonianza evangelica e il suo insegnamento morale”. I vescovi irlandesi hanno parlato con franchezza del dolore, della rabbia, della vergogna e dello scandalo provati da quanti sono stati vittime degli abusi. Al contempo, hanno sottolineato che, mentre “non ci sono dubbi” che, alla base della crisi attuale, “vi siano stati errori di giudizio ed omissioni”, sono state ora assunte significative misure “per assicurare la sicurezza dei bambini e dei ragazzi”. I vescovi non hanno infine mancato di ribadire il loro impegno a cooperare con le autorità civili irlandesi.

17/02/2010 18.20.00


爱尔兰教会首席主教布雷迪枢机首先表示:“四旬期开始了,这是个忏悔时期,我们该从自身开始。”布雷迪枢机的发言并未对爱尔兰主教们打折扣,他谈到信友们的愤怒、失望和被出卖的心情。他说:“在爱尔兰所发生的事,责任在我们身上。” 接着他讲解了与教宗会晤时所讨论的重要主题之一,他说:“受害者是这几天会议中关注的中心。”




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